Underdog.io integrates with Ashby, allowing you to export candidates from Underdog.io directly into your Ashby instance. In order to install this integration, your company needs to be a customer of both Underdog.io and Ashby and you need Organization Admin access within Ashby.
Here’s a quick installation guide:
- Open Ashby and navigate to the Admin page. Looking at the sidebar nav on the left, click on Integrations.
- Once the Integrations page has loaded, type "Underdog" into search bar to find our integration card. Click into it and then select "Create API key for Underdog.io."
- Before you close out of that tab, copy your new API Key to your clipboard or save it locally until you're ready to add it to your Underdog.io account.
- Next, open up the Underdog.io dashboard, click Settings in the top nav, and navigate to the Integrations page. Once you're there, click the Add button next to Ashby and paste your API Key into the modal. You'll now be able to export any active candidates from Underdog.io into Ashby.
Email customersuccess@underdog.io if you have questions about our Ashby integration.