To help recruiting and talent teams be more data-driven, we’re excited to be rolling out Analytics. Our in-application reporting tools will give you more visibility into how your team is utilizing the platform, which users on your team are using the tool most effectively, and how is performing overall as a part of your sourcing strategy.
The Overview module gives you a birds-eye view at your sourcing funnel. The Candidates column allows you to see the total number of candidates visible on the Dashboard during a given time period. The Engaged column showcases the number of candidates you and your team have interacted with on the platform. The Exported column will show you the number of candidates exported by your team from the platform into one of our ATS partners (Greenhouse or Lever). The Messaged column displays the number of candidates your team has sent an outreach message to. Finally, the Responded column shows the number of candidates who have responded to your team’s outreach messages.
The Company module showcases data about how your team is utilizing the platform. The Active Users percentage shows you the percentage of your team who have logged activity during a given time period . The Average Response Rate percentage shows your team’s overall response rate on during a given time period. Below, you’ll see activity broken down by user - Conversations Initiated shows the number of candidates a user has reached out to during a given time period. Last Active shows when a user last completed any logged-in event on the platform (maybe define activity here). Candidate Response Rate shows you an individual user’s response rate for Conversations Initiated during a given time period. Clicking on each column header allows you to change how your data is sorted.
The Engagement module showcases data about how Candidates are interacting with your Company on the platform. “Candidates engaged with your profile” shows you the number of candidates who have viewed your profile or clicked a link to one of your web properties during a given time period. “Candidates showed interest” shows you the number of candidates who have ’Shown Interest’ in your Company during the selected time period. “Company follow-ups” shows you the number of Show Interest messages your team has responded to.
Finally, the Candidates module gives you a breakdown of the composition of the Candidate Batches that were live on the platform during a given time period.